Hello fellow boaties,
Well a few months have passed since out last g’day, and we are back to lock downs and terrible numbers of COVID19. I know we keep saying it over and over but please stay safe, think of others, and do the right thing. When you sit and think about the consequences of going out when sick (possibly infected). Not only can you infect a loved one, but potentially cause death, close of business which leads to LOCKED DOWN states!! So, let’s all pulled together and get through to the sunny side safe and healthy.
As too the boating side of things. The snapper seems to be on the chew up here on the coast! Been a few good days to get out there (if your lucky enough through the week). Not to mention the Tuskfish & some cobia at Caloundra 12 mile, and the good ole Pearly’s, amberjack (for some fun) at the banks.
They have been getting some nice Bream throughout the Maroochy river, on the sand banks have been some nice little Whiting and some Flatty’s at the mouth of the creeks/ Or if you more into the trevally and Tailor, head to the Cod Hole.
I think looking at majority of the Fishing reports, there does not seem to be any shortage of fishing biting. So, grab some bait and let’s get out there (when possible) and enjoy the fight on the end of your line!
To check your weather in your area please find the below link for a great site Sea Breeze.
Anyone getting the chance to hit the water, whether its offshore, in your local rivers up the creek or in your local dams, we would love to see your catch of the day. Please feel free to post your catch / boating trip on our facebook page to share you moment, OR if you have come across anything you would like to share here is our link: https://www.facebook.com/TeamSolasPropellers/
Just a reminder, if you have some damage to your existing propeller feel free to email or text some photos and we will reply will an obligation free quote!
Not sure if you boat is performing as good as it should be?? We are here to help and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. 8-5 Monday – Friday 07 5319 1234 or pop us an email info@boatpropsanddocks.com.au
Please stay safe, practice safe boating, and enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends.
We will check back in soon!
Best Regards
Team SOLAS – Boat Props and Docks “More than you expect”